Глядя на нашего папса, так и хочется спосить: "Нахуя попу гармонь? Чувак, куда ты лезешь вообще?"
Getting sick of their "I want privacy act".
They have just lost their privacy pass with me. They are now on my "hunted"list. If that's what they want...they will get it.
Some still look at them as innocent in their whole act....
Bullshit act of wanting privacy but going where paps hang out.
Yup. I am now going to act like a paparazzi to them.
If u want privacy, uou don't drive 30 miles to where the paparazzi are just standing.
be they are gonna lose their secret home address this way.
I will light them up like a Christmas tree with my flash!!!
LA is under my control. Their privacy was always in my hands and still is. At any given moment I could have released their info.
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| вторник, 25 октября 2011